Production Blog

 Hey MS crew! To put together my commercial, I wanted to make sure it would stay interesting. I edited the song Barbie World over the entire video to keep viewers moving. First thing that I edited in was an introducing me with a transition into the media. The first video that was imputed was my cheer video with my voice layering on top of it. I then edited another transition for my first videos. I made sure to put transition for every picture and video so my commercial isn't boring. I also added effects to make it pop more. I also made sure to color the fonts and make the fonts come down so it could look smooth when ending on the black screen. In order to not make it slow, I tweaked how long each clip would be. Some became shorter and others became longer. I tried to make photos shorter except for the last one. For videos I used their full clip except for the first one. Which was the cheer video. Doing this, determined how long  my commercial would be.

That's all MS crew!

Kylee Taylor


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