Other Information

  Hey blog! For our project, many things had to be taken into consideration to efficiently plan and execute it. The first then we had to determine was our schedules. Hailey, Marissa, and I are all considerably busy people, with tight schedules to work around. As we all have extracurriculars to attend to regularly, we decided to work around that and try to meet at least twice a week, and once to twice on the weekend. This allowed us to effectively plan for our final task. We chose to meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the week, and Saturday on the weekend. If we were up to it, the group would schedule to meet on Sunday as well. 

The location this film is to primarily be set in, is Marissa's house. We will record both inside and outside of the house to capture the necessary clips. Certain scenes will, however, include, images of other locations in the background. The location of part of the opening sequence will be other houses as well, as we film this on an online meeting that will show the other participants. 

For this project, we will only be using 1 other person to take part in this film. This person will either be Marissa's brother or Hailey's sister. We will use them as one of the actors in the film. Whether they will play a big role or not, is still in question. You must wait to find out about this one. Wink wink! Besides that, Hailey and Marissa, and I will be the 3 main actors present in the project.

When formulating the idea for this project, our group had to also set some ground rules. The most important factor to these rules were the health and safety of people and property during the entirety of this project. Since our genre chosen was horror, there was obviously going to be a need for blood and weapons. All blood shown or used in the opening sequence was purchased as fake blood! We did not have to harm anyone or anything to gain access of any blood. The use of knives as well were also taken into consideration. We wanted to be cautious, as knives are severely sharp and dangerous. We used fake knives so none of the participants or actor came into contact with potentially harmful equipment. All behaviors and rough housing among the actors were monitored, and not taken too farm, enough to hurt that individual. In case anything were to happen, all groupmates had access to a first aid kid and emergency phone line.

Thank you so much blog for tuning in once again!


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